You are strongly encouraged to bring models for either display or entry into the model contest. Only LOGGING and MINING model subject matter are allowed into the contest. If you have something distantly related to logging or mining, well…let the judge check it out.
This Logging and Mining Convention is for all logging and mining modelers and all scales are welcome.
There will also be a show and tell – or models in progress. All who enter will get an extra door prize ticket.
All judging is by popular vote, one vote per attendee. We reserve the right to combine categories in order to promote competition.
We will have attractive first place plaques which the winners in each category will be proud to display, as well as 1 plaque awarded for Best of Show. Second and Third place awards will be ribbons. Awards will be given out at the show!
General Restrictions
Significant modifications must be made to any factory built model, mainly brass locomotives. Any kit-built model, modified or not, is acceptable. All models are subject to the discretion of the contest judge.
Contest guidelines (link to printable contest rules)
Contest form – print out to fill out early – West Side Reunion Contest Entry Form
Most of our model contest categories are self-explanatory, but we wanted to provide some clarification on some points to help avoid any confusion during your model planning or entry process.
1) In any category that involves a single standalone model, such as Locomotives, Rolling Stock, Logging Truck, etc.: The model will be displayed stand-alone, with no ancillary hardware. For example, a Steam Locomotive or Diesel would not also include a caboose or rolling stock such as log cars.
2) A model in item #1 above will be displayed by itself, without a decorative base. A “decorative base” would include a piece of track surrounded by some scenic material, a bridge, or some other decorative display accessory. A model displayed on a decorative base will be reclassified as Diorama.
4) Diorama: Due to space limitations, we are limiting the maximum diorama size to six square feet. This could be a 2×3 foot model, a 1-1/2×4 foot model, or any size combination that adds up to six square feet at maximum.
5) Commercially-built models are not permitted in the contest, but they can be presented for display only as space allows. “Commercially-built” does not mean a model built or kitbashed from kit, it means a model built for hire (or built for free as a charitable contribution) for display in a museum, a customer’s personal collection and so on.
This year there will be a best of show award.
Also combining all locomotives into one category.
- Logging or Mining Locomotives: Any model of a logging or mining locomotive powered by steam, diesel, gas mechanical, electric, compressed air representing logging motive power.
- Logging Railroad Equipment: Rolling stock, log cars, disconnects, any flange wheeled logging device.
- Dioramas: Logging and mining scenes, layout modules, etc. permanently mounted on a base.
- Structures: Logging and mining related structures not permanently mounted on a base.
- Logging Equipment: Donkeys, logging trucks, skidding equipment, loaders, cats, etc., not flange wheeled.
- Caboose
“In the event of a dispute over model contest entry classification, the decision of the event staff is final.”
Some examples of the quality of the models entered from previous years are shown below.
Steve Anderson’s Sn3 West Side Engine house
Larry Tidball’s HO West Side Car Shop (Circa 1936)
Dolbeer Donkey – Frank Markovich
Jeff Johnston’s Sugar Pine Lumber Box Factory